School Supplies

Ryan g-mailed me the other day to ask for the supply list that was distributed in June.  I know what you’re thinking.  “I treasured EVERY piece of paper I brought home at the end of June, and could NEVER have misplaced one little sheet!”  Yeah, sure!  So I visited the ICRPS website and got a copy of the list.  Here it is:

GRADES 7 & 8
Big pencil case, HB pencils, 2 white erasers, coloured pencil crayons, (not markers), 30
cm ruler, pens (red, blue and black), scissors, reinforcements, 4 binders (1”) 8 exercise
books (3 ring, preferably not coiled) 5 dividers, 3-ring lined paper, calculator, protractor,
compass, 2 highlighters, small gym bag, recorder for music (approx. $5.00 at Strings ‘N’
Things). No liquid paper. All students with lockers need a combination lock. USB Stick
& Electronic Device (optional).
Grade 4 – 8 Physical Education Supplies
Physical Education change of clothing (comfy clothes, top & bottoms)
Indoor non-marking running shoes
Grades 5 – 8 French Supplies
Set of ear-bud single jack headphones with a built-in microphone
French/English dictionary (optional) or download app on device
Some supplies will need to be replenished during the year.
In addition, there may be additional incidentals requested by individual teachers.

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